6500+ Locations
Over 1 Million Testing Experiences
8,000+ Active Clients

Our Story
SureHire began its journey in Leduc, Alberta in 2004 as a small physiotherapy team assessing and treating clients who had been injured on the job site. Working with injured employees and their respective employers galvanized our passion for workplace injury prevention, health promotion, and rehabilitation.
In 2005, these experiences ultimately lead us towards collaborations with innovative companies who, like us, were seeking a better system of prevention, early intervention, and a deeper understanding of worksite hazards and risk management. From our humble beginnings, SureHire has become a recognized leader in occupational testing with 10 independently owned testing facilities across Canada and one in the US, a network of over 80 exclusive testing facilities from coast to coast, and thousands of independent testing partners across North America.
We conduct hundreds of thousands of tests per year for thousands of clients in Canada and the US, and we strive to be Canada’s premier occupational testing company.
Our Advantage
We recognize that our clients need technology and systems that make their experience seamless, so they can build, strong, healthy, and long-lasting workforces without interruption.
SureLink is an innovative solution that not only allows you to view test results but also access dashboard report snapshots, create live appointment bookings, track participant data, view appointment confirmation history, enrol your workers in online courses, monitor course progress, receive important alerts and notifications, and more!
Our user interface makes navigation simple and with customizable features that allow for adjustments based on your company’s needs.
Our Client Experience
Providing an exceptional client experience is top of mind for SureHire. Our talented team works diligently to make sure our clients are getting the services they need, where and when they need them. From the initial onboarding process to receiving timely results through our technology advantage, SureLink, we work hard to ensure that our client’s experience is top quality.
Through a series of client interviews and feedback surveys, we have compiled some insights to reflect on the last year. Upward growth is a continued goal and being able to read and reflect on the impact we have had on our clients helps us to grow and improve year after year.
Take a look at the insights we’ve gathered over 2021!
Our Journey to 1 Million Experiences
We’re proud to announce that we have tested our 1 millionth participant! We celebrate this milestone with our longstanding client, Kiewit, whose participant was tested at one of our newest facilities in Burnaby, BC.
From our humble beginnings in 2004 as a small physiotherapy clinic based out of Leduc, Alberta, we’ve grown to become one of the leading occupational testing providers in North America.
Thank you to everyone who has helped SureHire become the trusted testing provider we are today. We couldn’t do the work we do without our incredible staff and of course, amazing clients like Kiewit.
Client Testimonials
The transition to SureHire was as close to seamless as I have ever experienced, the template provided for the set up as well as the support made this a very enjoyable task with little to no issues. Communication between the account managers and us has made all the difference in the efficiency of our program. If we have a concern we have a direct contact to reach out to who has the authority to make/request the changes we need in a timely manner, rather than the call centre agent and the number of levels of approvals after that.
Hands down SureHire has improved our scheduling, the ability to have candidates phone to book their own appointments or use the online portal has greatly increased our ability to move people through the process. Gone are the days of the 20-minute hold to book only to call the donor and find out that time doesn’t work. I haven’t had any other provider with an app, this alone is a huge benefit for our company as we have many supervisors and recruiters that are remote or not always at a computer, being able to quickly access information is essential.
Turnaround times have been nothing short of amazing, while all providers give you a rough estimate I find that SureHire commits to it and in more cases than not beats the estimated time. The ability to get workers booked in faster allows us to staff our last-minute projects efficiently. With the recent increase in illness throughout the country we are able to find replacements for cover shifts in a short time frame with little to no interruption to productivity.”

– Jelaney Derkach
Clearstream Energy Services Inc.
Our Values

Our City, and Beyond
SureHire calls south Edmonton “home”, but our extensive network spans North America. We believe that having a large network of partners allows the ability for SureHire to adapt to our clients’ ever-changing needs.
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