Definition - What does Work Tolerance mean?
Work tolerance is an employee's capability to perform their job for a given time period without negatively impacting the output and quality levels they produce. It is also the capacity to maintain such efforts without any adverse effects on the employee's general psychological and physical well-being. Work tolerance is especially important where high stress or risk are involved.
SureHire explains Work Tolerance
Work tolerance is assessed in the workplace by observing and measuring an employee's sustained work efforts over time and then evaluating whether the productivity, reliability, and quality of work is at the required level. The psychological and physical impact of the work duration on the employee is also assessed. Work tolerance is typically evaluated in employees that are returning to work after an injury or disability to ensure that they are fit for work and to prevent any further injuries from being incurred. Work tolerance assessments can also be carried out as part of a fitness to work process with applicants for a job in order to evaluate their suitability before hiring them.