About Drug Testing
If your workers are under the influence of drugs on the job site, it can compromise the safety of themselves, others, and the public. This can also contribute to significant increases in workers’ compensation claims, employee turnover, absenteeism, employee theft, and workplace violence. That’s why many employers choose to implement pre-employment, pre-access, post-incident, and reasonable cause testing.
As a leading provider of occupational health testing services in North America, we work with our clients to build measurable return of an increase in productivity and reduction of risk. We do this by offering smart testing practices and providing a customer experience distinguished by ease and efficiency.
Find out why thousands of companies choose SureHire as their trusted partner in occupational health testing.
Book an appointment today, or contact us for more information.
Types of Drug Tests
SureHire offers a range of drug testing services to help employers manage substance abuse in the workplace.
- Urine drug testing is the preferred method for substance detection because it offers expanded testing panels, accurate test results, and the ability to obtain a snapshot of recent drug use.
- Oral fluid drug testing is the preferred method for post-incident or reasonable suspicion situations because it provides a short window for substance detection with minimal potential for adulteration. This drug screen option is extremely convenient as there are very few limitations as to where this test can be administered.
- Hair follicle testing is the preferred method for follow-up testing because it can be used to detect historical drug use. This type of testing can be completed only through a lab. (Note: a minimum of 1.5 inches of hair must be collected to perform hair follicle testing.)
Reasons for Drug Testing
- Random Testing can help to identify cases of substance abuse, which helps employers facilitate treatment for workers, improve workplace safety, reduce the frequency of incidents and WCB claims, decrease employer liability, and promote a culture of safety in the workplace. SureHire’s ensures a truly random selection through the use of DOT-compliant software.
- Pre-employment testing is a centralized method to acquire and document information about job candidates during the hiring process. SureHire’s Pre-Employment Drug and Alcohol testing services give employers confidence knowing they are hiring the right fit for the job.
- Post-incident drug and alcohol testing is completed when an incident that cannot be explained through mechanical failure occurs in the workplace. With a network of facilities across Canada, SureHire offers 24/7/365 emergency testing.
- Pre-access testing is completed when an employer requires a worker to complete drug testing to gain access to a worksite. It is important to know the testing requirements with the individual site owner to make sure you are following proper procedures, as they vary per site.
- Reasonable cause testing can be completed when your employee is visibly intoxicated and acting erratically. Being proactive can ensure you are stopping risky behaviour before an accident happens. SureHire offers Reasonable Suspicion Training to help employers recognize the signs and symptoms of workplace impairment (click here to learn more).
- Return-to-work testing is typically completed when employers have previous employees returning to work. Past employees may be returning from a leave of absence, medical leave, substance abuse program etc. This testing ensures you are committed to maintaining a safe workplace for your employees and for your company.
SureHire utilizes a SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association) certified laboratory for lab-based urine testing.
Drug Testing Options
There are 2 drug testing options to choose from:
- Express POCT (Point of Care Testing) provides quick, qualitative, same-day result delivery.
- Lab-Based Testing provides quantitative, court-admissible test results in 2‒5 business days.

Checking Test Results
When you book drug testing with SureHire, checking your employees’ drug test results is easy.
All results are available through SureLink, our secured online database. SureLink not only allows you to view test results but also allows you to book appointments, view snapshot reports on your dashboard, check the completion status of your appointments, receive alerts and updates from SureHire, and much more!
Once your employees have finished testing, our team of experts is here to help you determine what the results mean for your company and your employees. Already have an account?
How long is a substance detectable in an oral fluid sample?
There are several variables that will determine how long a substance will remain detectable in an individual’s oral fluid sample but ultimately, it’s dependent on the substance ingested and the individual being tested.
When should I choose the oral fluid testing method?
Oral fluid is commonly selected for post-incident or reasonable cause circumstances but can be applied for any reason based on client preference.
How accurate is oral fluid testing?
Oral Fluid express testing provides a qualitative, preliminary result, however, a lab-based oral fluid test is required to obtain a quantitative, court-admissible test result. SureHire offers oral fluid laboratory testing as a secondary method after a non-negative express result is received or as a stand-alone service.
Can I cheat on a drug test?
Cheating a drug test is incredibly difficult, and it’s only getting harder as drug testing technology improves and becomes ever more sophisticated.
How soon after use can a drug be detected in hair?
It takes approximately 5‒7 days from the time of drug use for the portion of the hair containing that drug to grow above the scalp.
How much hair is needed?
To complete a standard 90-day hair follicle test, a minimum of 1.5 inches is required (0.5 inches per month). The amount taken is usually cosmetically undetectable and can be compared to the thickness of a shoelace tip. NOTE: Body Hair cannot be used as a substitute for an insufficient amount of hair at the time of collection.
Latest Articles & Resources
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