Reasonable Suspicion Training

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About Our 5-Star Reasonable Suspicion Training Programs

According to new Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (CSUCH) data, lost productivity due to substance use cost $22.4 billion in 2020. This cost accounts for 45.6% of the $49.1 billion in overall cost and harms of substance use in Canada during that year.

Many employers focus their efforts solely on drug and alcohol testing and overlook the importance of educating their employees about substance abuse in the workplace. SureHire’s Reasonable Suspicion Training programs offer a simple, cost-effective solution.

Reasonable suspicion training is also known as RST, reasonable cause training, or drug and alcohol awareness training. These programs are designed to educate supervisors and employees about the adverse effects of drugs and alcohol on workplace safety. Our courses have been completed by hundreds of participants across North America and given a 5-star rating. Find out what all of the buzz is about!

What to Expect

Courses are available in both interactive and self-study formats and are available for both supervisors and employees.

Interactive courses include:

  • an RST work booklet,
  • a review of case studies,
  • a live instructor available for questions,
  • printable materials that meet requirements for supervisors and employees,
  • 2 knowledge assessment sections, and
  • a certificate of completion for each individual.

Self-study courses include:

  • printable materials that meet requirements for supervisors and employees,
  • a certificate of completion for each individual, and
  • a final exam.

Substance abusers cost employers about $10,000 every year due to absenteeism, low productivity, lost time incidents and increased WCB costs. Be proactive. Browse through our RST course offerings and get your employees their certificate of completion today!


Length: 2.5-hours

This DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training course provides the information supervisors need to identify circumstances and indicators that may create reasonable suspicion a driver is using or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, supporting the referral of an employee for testing. This course meets the training requirements specified in 49 CFR 382.603. Get your certificate of completion today!


Length: 2-Hours

This course will detail the 5-step reasonable suspicion process for supervisors, as well as how to recognize common indicators of drug and alcohol use in the workplace. In this course, the dangers of workplace impairment due to substance use will be explored, as well as the symptoms of a substance use disorder, so supervisors are able to detect when their employees may be impaired. The common testing methodology for drug and alcohol testing will be explained, and testing policies will be discussed. Get your certificate of completion today!


Length: 1-Hour

This course educates workers on the dangers of drug and alcohol use in the workplace and provides essential information employees require in order to detect and report potentially unsafe circumstances indicative of drug or alcohol misuse. Get your certificate of completion today!

Course Reviews

Our 5-star Reasonable Suspicion Training courses have been given a thumbs up by hundreds of participants in North America. Here’s what some have had to say:

  • “Perfectly laid out, and it was highly informative! Thank you!”  (Anonymous, November 2020)
  • “Awesome, thank you so much. Very much appreciated.” (Darci, November 2020)
  • “Great course, I feel well informed.” (Trevor, July 2020)
  • “This course provided crucial information for supervisors. Thank you.” (Roger, December 2020)
  • “Very informative course, with lots of useful and interesting statics.” (Cal, August 2020)
  • “Course kept me alert all the way!” (Zoran, June 2020)
  • “I liked the course. It was informative and on point.” (Ronald, May 2020)
  • “It was a good course because it allowed me to work through it at my own pace, depending on what work demands/requirements I had.” (Elke, April 2020)
  • “Was pleased that the course offered more information on topic of impairment and D & A policies than just reasonable suspicion info. Materials were also very helpful.” (Catherine, February 2020)

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