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Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Mining Industry
14 January 2022 | Fitness-to-Work Testing, General

Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Mining Industry

Employees in the mining industry face many risks and hazards every day on the job — here’s what you need to know to help prevent common musculoskeletal injuries.

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Do You Have Reasonable Suspicion?
30 April 2021 | Drug & Alcohol Testing, Education & Training, General

Do You Have Reasonable Suspicion?

Employers cannot initiate reasonable suspicion testing without first going through the 5-step process. Reasonable suspicion training provides critical information about how to initiate reasonable suspicion testing, including the 5-step process and other tools that employers can use to help manage the misuse of alcohol and drugs in the workplace.

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3 Oral Fluid Adulteration Methods You May Not Know About
23 April 2021 | General

3 Oral Fluid Adulteration Methods You May Not Know About

We’ve all likely heard of the many adulteration methods for urine drug specimens but we seldom consider the possibilities when it comes to oral fluid tests…

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Accommodating Chronic Illness
19 April 2021 | General

Accommodating Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic condition can be extremely hard on a worker, but companies can take actions to make things easier for employees and safer for everyone. Learn what you can do to accommodate chronic illness in the workplace. Read the full article.

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Pot Topics: Drug Testing Myths Exposed
23 March 2021 | Drug & Alcohol Testing

Pot Topics: Drug Testing Myths Exposed

When it comes to drug testing, there are a number of common myths out there to weed through—pun intended. In this article, Subject Matter Expert, Wayne St. John, debunks 5 common drug testing myths that continue to cause much confusion in the industry.

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6 Remote Workforce Issues & Solutions
17 March 2021 | Wellness

6 Remote Workforce Issues & Solutions

Managing a remote workforce? Us too! Distributed teams, co-working spaces, telecommuting, working from home, and flextime policies — chances are at least one, if not all, of the teams you will manage in your career will be working from a remote location and probably several remote locations. Here’s how to deal.

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A Story of Perseverance, Partnership, & Family
1 March 2021 | General

A Story of Perseverance, Partnership, & Family

One of our Vancouver-based Temperature Screeners, Violet, lost her home and all of her belongings in a fire on February 14, 2021. Violet works at a KLTP site and Kiewit and their subcontractors created a GoFundMe page to help get her back on her feet, which SureHire has supported. The goal, $10,000. The story…

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The Importance of Driving Safely!
24 February 2021 | Education & Training, General

The Importance of Driving Safely!

Vehicle collisions are responsible for 50 million injuries and 1.35 million fatalities annually…

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9 Keys to an Effective Drug and Alcohol Policy
17 February 2021 | Drug & Alcohol Testing

9 Keys to an Effective Drug and Alcohol Policy

Having a well-documented policy is critical to building a culture of safety excellence. So what makes a good policy?

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DOT or Non-DOT Testing
2 February 2021 | Drug & Alcohol Testing

DOT or Non-DOT Testing

Whether you are operating in Canada or in the U.S., as an employer, you have a legal responsibility to…

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